
We are management advisors with experience in business operations, creating high-performance emotionally intelligent learning cultures, inspiring multi-cultural teams, and managing large scale organizational change.

We combine academic rigor with the realities of the workplace and transform evidence-based research and human insights into practical business solutions. 




S. Shariq yosufzai

Shariq spent over 30 years in global leadership positions at Chevron, Texaco and Caltex, including Vice President, Global Diversity, Chevron Corporation, where he was responsible for Chevron’s Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) and Ombuds functions.

In 2015, Chevron received the prestigious Catalyst Award for innovative organizational approaches in the advancement of women. 

He was selected as one of the 2015 Top 50 Diversity Professionals in Industry worldwide by The Economist’s Global Diversity List and in 2017 was named among the Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business by the Asian American Business Development Center.


andrew faas

Andrew is an expert in organizational dynamics, bullying, and performance optimization. He is a leader in creating strategies to develop psychologically healthy, safe, and fair workplaces.

His hands-on, dedicated approach has earned Andrew a strong reputation for fostering successful organizational transformations and shifting toxic corporate cultures.

Andrew’s book, From Bully to Bull’s-Eye: Move Your Organization Out of the Line of Fire, details his personal and administrative experiences battling against bullying and the corporate cultures that embolden it.


David J. Caruso

David is the co-author of the Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) and has provided feedback to thousands of executives.  He and colleague Peter Salovey also wrote the “how-to” book, The Emotionally Intelligent Manager.


Gayle J. Gibson

Gayle was previously the head of central engineering, and chief of staff to the Chair of the Board and CEO at DuPont, where she led operating processes for the top 3 levels of leadership. 


DR. Heidi Brooks

Heidi specializes in large-scale culture change projects focused on individual and collective leadership effectiveness and pioneered the Everyday Leadership course at Yale.


PROF. Jochen Menges

Jochen is a leadership expert, a professor at the University of Zurich, and lecturer at the University of Cambridge, who has worked with companies like Google, L’Oreal, Microsoft and Rolls Royce. 


DR. JuliA Moeller

Julia is a Motivation and Emotion Researcher and Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Leipzig, Germany, and a Jacobs Foundation Early Career Research Fellow.


Patrick Mundt

Patrick is Executive Director of The Faas Foundation and founding member of the Yale/Faas Foundation Core Group for the Emotion Revolution in the Workplace.


Roy R. Conliffe

Roy retired from Loblaw Companies Ltd and Weston Foods after 35 years, as the Executive Vice-President, Labour Relations. He also served as co-chair of the Joint Labour Management Food Retail Committee based in Washington, D.C.